Inadequate Teacher Training

Preserving a System of Discriminatory Practices

A lack of teacher preparedness in early childhood teacher education programs unintentionally preserves a system of discriminatory practices. No to mention, it continues inequities in early childhood learning environments. According to York (2016) conventional methods of teaching child development often ignore race and racism. To thoroughly understand children’s development, especially children of color in the United States, educators must understand the role of racism.

Early childhood educators need opportunities to engage in critical dialogue about cultural racism, historical trauma, implicit biases. Also they need to understand the impact these factors have had and continue to have on children, families, and the communities in which they live. Current professional development opportunities must be expanded to include concepts of race, social justice, equity, and culturally responsive anti-bias education.

Educational Equity Institute

Contact Us

Reach out to Jen Neitzel or Ebonyse Mead using the following information listed below:

Jen Neitzel, Ph.D. -

Ebonyse Mead, Ed.D. -

Call us at 919-593-4926