How to Archive a Google Classroom Without Losing Important Data

Archiving a Google Classroom is essential for keeping your digital learning environment organized, especially when a school year or term ends. Doing this without losing critical data ensures that all valuable class content, assignments, and student progress are securely preserved for future reference. The process is straightforward yet vital in maintaining order and accessibility.

This guide will show you how to archive your Google Classroom effectively while keeping everything you need intact and ready for retrieval.

Steps to Archive a Google Classroom

1. Open Google Classroom Settings Access the Google Classroom homepage and click on the three dots next to the class.
2. Select the Class to Archive Choose the class you want to archive from the list.
3. Confirm the Archive Action Click on “Archive” and confirm the action in the pop-up.
4. Access Archived Classes Go to the menu and select “Archived Classes” to view them.
5. Restore Archived Classes (If Needed) Click “Restore” to bring back an archived class to your active list.
6. Reuse Content from Archived Classes Select specific assignments or posts to reuse in future classes.

1. Open Google Classroom and Access Settings

Backup Google Classroom

Start by logging into your Google Classroom. The process kicks off on your homepage where all your classes are listed.


1. Sign In to Google Classroom

Head over to Google Classroom and make sure you’re logged into the right account. Your dashboard will show all your active classes.

2. Identify the Class to Archive

Spot the class you want to archive. You’ll see a list of your classes, so take a moment to ensure you’ve picked the right one.

3. Click the Three Dots (More Options)

To the right of each class name, there’s a button with three vertical dots. Clicking this gives you access to several options, one of which is “Archive.”

4. Choose “Archive”

Once you click the three dots, a dropdown appears with options like “Edit” or “Copy.” Select “Archive” and then confirm the action when prompted.

Why It Matters?

  • Tidying Up: End of the semester? Done with the class? Archiving clears your workspace so you can focus on what’s relevant now.
  • Preventing Confusion: It keeps old classes from cluttering your view and makes sure your students aren’t getting lost in outdated assignments.

Keep in Mind

  • Student Access: When you archive, students can still view the class unless you unenroll them. If you don’t want them to have access anymore, unenroll them first.
  • Calendar Cleanup: If assignments were tied to your Google Calendar, those reminders might still pop up. You can hide or delete them to keep things streamlined.

2. Select the Class You Want to Archive

Now that you’re in Google Classroom and have accessed the settings, it’s time to choose the specific class you want to archive. This step is simple, but getting it right is crucial.


1. Locate the Class

Scroll through the list of classes on your homepage. Identify the one you want to archive. It’s important to ensure you’re archiving the correct class, especially if you have multiple classes with similar names.

2. Click the Three Vertical Dots

Once you’ve identified the class, click the three vertical dots next to its name. This opens a dropdown menu with various options.

3. Double-Check Before Proceeding

Confirm that you’re selecting the correct class. Once archived, it won’t show up on your active classes list, although it can be restored later.


  • Finished a Course? If you’ve completed a semester or finished teaching a specific subject, this is the point where you archive it to keep everything organized.
  • Too Many Classes on the Dashboard? Archiving is an ideal solution to clear your workspace while preserving content for future reference.

Quick Tips

  • Clear Naming: If you haven’t already, ensure your classes are labeled clearly with the semester, year, and subject (e.g., “History 2024 – Term 1”). This makes it easier to pick out the correct class later when searching through archived ones.
  • Review Before Archiving: It’s a good practice to check if there’s any work you need to return or assignments that need grading before you hit that archive button.

3. Confirm the Archive Action

Save Google Classroom data

After selecting the class you want to archive, the next step is to confirm the action. This is the moment where you officially archive the class and ensure everything is securely stored away.


1. Click on “Archive”

Once you’ve clicked the three vertical dots and selected “Archive” from the dropdown menu, a confirmation pop-up will appear.

2. Review the Pop-Up Information

The pop-up will inform you that once a class is archived, it can no longer be actively edited or accessed in the main dashboard. However, it’s still safe in your archived classes and can be restored anytime.

3. Confirm the Action

Click “Archive” in the confirmation box to proceed. This final click completes the process, effectively removing the class from your active view.

Why it Matters?

  • No Going Back: Archiving a class is reversible, but double-checking before confirming ensures you don’t accidentally archive a class you’re still actively using.
  • Class Organization: Once archived, the class is moved to a separate section, making it easier to keep your active classes organized and focused.

Quick Reminders

  • What Happens Next: The archived class will no longer show up on your Classes page, and students won’t be able to unenroll themselves. All class content, including posts and assignments, remains intact in the archived section.
  • When to Use This Feature: This confirmation step is particularly useful at the end of a school year, or when you want to store away a class you no longer need immediate access to.

4. Access Archived Classes

Google Classroom archived classes

Now that your class is archived, knowing how to access it when needed is essential. Archived classes are safely stored but are no longer visible on your main dashboard. Let’s dive into how you can view and manage these classes.


1. Open Google Classroom and Access the Menu

On the Google Classroom homepage, locate the three horizontal lines (Menu) at the top left corner of the page. Clicking this will open a sidebar with various options.

2. Select “Archived Classes” from the Menu

In the sidebar, you’ll see an option labeled “Archived Classes.” Click on it to reveal all the classes you’ve previously archived.

3. Browse Your Archived Classes

Once you’re in the archived section, you’ll see a list of all the classes you’ve stored away. Each class will still have all its content intact, from assignments to announcements.

Why is This Step Important?

  • Efficient Organization: You might archive a class, but you don’t want it lost. This step ensures you can quickly retrieve any class content when necessary, especially if you want to reference old materials or assignments.
  • Reviewing Past Classes: Archived classes are often revisited when planning new lessons or preparing for similar topics in future courses.

Tips for Easy Access

  • Label Your Classes Clearly: Clear naming helps when you’re sifting through archived classes. If you archived a lot of classes, a consistent naming system (e.g., “Biology 2023 – Term 2”) will save you time.
  • Unarchive When Needed: If you need to bring a class back to active status, there’s an option to “Restore” it from the archived list, making it available for active use again.

5. Restore Archived Classes if Needed

Restore Google Classroom data

If you ever need to bring back a class from the archived section to active status, Google Classroom provides an easy way to do so. Whether you need to access old assignments, review student work, or reuse materials, restoring archived classes is simple and quick.


1. Go to the Archived Classes Section

On the Google Classroom homepage, click on the menu (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner. From the menu, select “Archived Classes” to view all the classes you’ve stored away.

2. Locate the Class You Want to Restore

In the archived section, browse through the list until you find the class you want to bring back. Clear naming helps here, so you can quickly identify the right one.

3. Click the Three Dots on the Archived Class

Once you’ve found the class, click the three vertical dots next to its name. A dropdown menu will appear with the option to “Restore” the class.

4. Select “Restore”

Clicking “Restore” will instantly move the class back to your active classes list. All content, assignments, and student data will be available as if the class had never been archived.

When to Use This Feature?

  • Reusing Past Materials: Teachers often restore archived classes when planning for a new semester or if they want to reuse specific assignments, resources, or lesson plans.
  • Reviewing Historical Data: Need to check how students performed in a previous class? Restoring gives you full access to grades, feedback, and other valuable data.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Unarchiving Doesn’t Change Student Access: If students were previously unenrolled before archiving, they won’t be automatically re-enrolled when you restore the class.
  • Reorganize After Restoring: Once restored, consider whether the class needs any updates or if certain materials should be refreshed before using them again.

6. Reuse Content from Archived Classes

How to Reuse Content from Archived Google Classroom

Once your class is archived, one of the most valuable features is the ability to reuse its content. Whether it’s assignments, posts, or announcements, Google Classroom allows you to efficiently bring past resources into new classes without needing to recreate everything from scratch.


1. Go to the Class Where You Want to Reuse Content

First, navigate to your active classes. Open the class where you want to pull in content from an archived class.

2. Click the “Reuse Post” Option

In the class, click the “+” button (Create) and select “Reuse Post” from the dropdown menu. This allows you to pull posts, assignments, or announcements from any of your archived classes.

3. Select the Archived Class

A list of all your classes, including archived ones, will appear. Scroll down and choose the archived class containing the content you want to reuse.

4. Pick the Specific Post or Assignment

Once inside the archived class, you’ll see a list of all posts, assignments, and announcements. Select the one you want to reuse, and it will be copied into your active class.

5. Edit and Customize if Necessary

After reusing the content, you can edit the details, due dates, and any other information before assigning it in your new class. This flexibility saves time and ensures the material is updated for the current term.

Where Is This Useful?

  • Teaching Similar Topics Again: If you’re covering the same unit in a new semester, reusing posts and assignments lets you quickly reintroduce tested resources.
  • Adjusting for Different Classes: You can tweak reused assignments to fit the needs of different student groups without starting from scratch.

Key Benefits

  • Time-Saving: Reusing content is a massive time-saver, especially if you’re teaching multiple classes with similar curricula.
  • Consistency Across Classes: It ensures you maintain consistency in the quality of resources, making lesson planning more efficient.


How do I retrieve assignments from an archived Google Classroom?
You can retrieve assignments from an archived class by using the “Reuse Post” feature. Open a new class, click the “Create” button, and select “Reuse Post.” From there, you can access assignments from any archived class and import them into your current course.
Can students access an archived Google Classroom?
Yes, students can still view an archived class unless you unenroll them before archiving. They won’t be able to interact with posts or submit assignments, but they can access all materials and review their work.
How do I hide old classes in Google Calendar after archiving?
To hide old classes in Google Calendar, navigate to the calendar section, find the calendar linked to the archived class, and uncheck the box next to it. This will hide it from your main calendar view without deleting it.
Can I permanently delete an archived Google Classroom?
Yes, you can permanently delete an archived Google Classroom. First, access the archived class, then click on the three vertical dots next to it and choose “Delete.” Remember, this action cannot be undone, so be sure you no longer need any of the class content.
Does archiving a class free up storage space in Google Drive?
No, archiving a class does not free up storage space in Google Drive. All files related to the class remain in your Drive, under the folder associated with that class. To free up space, you would need to manually delete files from Google Drive.
What happens if I accidentally archive the wrong class?
If you accidentally archive the wrong class, you can easily restore it. Go to the menu, select “Archived Classes,” find the class, and click “Restore.” The class will return to your active list with all content intact.
How long can I keep a class archived?
There is no time limit for how long a class can remain archived. You can keep classes archived indefinitely and restore them whenever needed. This allows you to preserve your materials for future use without cluttering your dashboard.

Last Words

Archiving a Google Classroom is a simple yet crucial process for keeping your digital space organized while preserving essential materials for future use, like on Quizizz. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently archive classes, access them when needed, and reuse valuable content without any hassle.

The key is understanding how to manage archived classes effectively, ensuring nothing important gets lost along the way.